Hello Hello!!!
I have decided that I think too many weird things about the world and mother hood from my unique postion to not share. So here is my blog.
I am returning to work in about a week and a half . I have been on Maternity leave with my second child, Griffin, since he was born on August 27th. In that thime I have watched way too much of the today show, gotten not enough sleep, and watched both my children (Holly is 6) go through some magical developments. Am I ready to go back to work......no not really. But what has to happen will.
My husband will be taking over the baby care on November 19th. I laugh often because I don't think he knows what he is in for yet.
Diapers changed today so far 3 poopy, 2 wet......more to come.
Naps taken me;1 Griffin; working on number 3. I'll miss nap time when I go back to work.
Years ago while in college i had a frien that had an answering machine message that asked about the absence of naptimes in higher education. Well I want to know about why we americans insist that peple who nap are lazy or sick?
Well Feeding time now..............
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