Sunday, August 13, 2006

Day Care Update

Over a year ago I posted about the buy out of Room to grow the day care that Holly and Griffin were attending.

Here is an update.

The director from Room to Grow did not make it a whole year under La Petite.

Staff and Parents began to flee.

I think I intentionally avoided dropping off and picking up.

The "curriculum" that La Petite Academy so celebrate seemed to be absent. I was actually bored of the art work that came home from griffin (many decorated hand and foot prints not actually any part of griffin's doing other than having his foot or hand painted and used as a stamp). I heard that they even stopped having alphabet curriculum in the 2-3 year old room because some of the children were under 2.5 years old and the curriculum doesn't start until then.

Then there was the outbreak of shigellia which had Griffin out for 3 weeks. He was only actually sick for about 3-5 days of that the rest had to do with health regulations. I think at last count there were about 17 kids out with it. In two separate waves. How to make a tough situation worse.

One of Holly’s Friend’s Mothers offered for Holly to come to their house after school We jumped on that chance. We had gotten to know her better because she was opening a new Day care in town. It was pretty Hush Hush as many of the staff and were leaving and planning to go there. Even the old Room to Grow Director got a position there.

I did find out the La Petite has their staff sign a non-competition contract saying that they not work at another child care center with in 5 miles of any La Petite there are 17 in Dane county…A large concentration I wonder if this is legal. Several of the staff refused to sign. There were not asked to leave.

The new center, Once Upon A Time, opened on July 31st 2006 Griffin Started right away. It is beautiful. Lots of wood and warm colors. The playgrounds are huge with lots of open space that will be grass when it finally takes root.

We know many of the teachers and it is exiting that they all so happy to be there. It has brought tears to my eyes several times.

Holly spent the summer at Camp Shalom
She loved it she swam every day she had constant activity and never a dull moment. I have been aware of it for many years and enjoyed it with kids I have had the pleasure of assisting at camp.

Now that Holly starts on Monday we are actually breathing a sigh of relief. Every thing will seem much more relaxed.

Ahhhhhhhh…….. now if only (see last post.)

Griffin the “problem” child

At less than two years we have started with time-outs for Griffin. Not something I am proud of. This is usually for hurting his sister, the cats or us. We are not talking about just pulling the cats tail or Hitting He has winded Holly by body slamming her while she was quietly watching TV, he has learned to Jump and stamp and has jumped both feet on to one cat ant stomped hard on each of them. (The cats have proven to be more patient with this behavior than I as all they do is run).

He also is a whirlwind of destruction tearing and dumping his way around the house. I can get him to do some picking up but he often finishes shows me how well he has done and then Dumps it all dramatically on the floor again. (By dramatically think in large room spanning arcs.)

He loves to throw things. Any thing he can get his hands on. He finds “reasons” to throw things. From rolling dice to rejecting food to trying to get something into another thing, he will throw anything he can get his hands on. Nothing in the house is safe. He will find a way to get it.

On top of this sleep is now a thing of the past. Griffin has started to routinely wake up and demand to be taken downstairs. We then sit on the couch and he will fall asleep. But will wake again shortly after we return upstairs. Last night we had to bribe him upstairs with teeth brushing. (Now that we have included the toothpaste he loves to brush his teeth.)

Griffin is funny about getting dressed too. He is either very picky about the pants he wants to wear each day or he hates to wear pants. I can’t figure it out. One day he is fighting me about putting on he short overall and the next day he wants to wear them. One day he wants long pants the next he refuses any pants. And then there are days that he just will let us put whatever clothes on that have handy with out a fight.

I fell like he is Jeckal and Hyde. He is a very cute and charming boy and in fact while stomping, throwing and trashing everything he is smiling and laughing very sweetly.

Now he has discovered spitting. (No, this is not something we have been working t with tooth brushing, but he knows it gets a good reaction from his sister.)

I love my son I love my son I love my son…………