Monday, December 27, 2004

Christmas happened and I must be Crazy…….

I bought my Husband an Xbox. If you are familiar with this you know that it can be quite addicting and time consuming. We opened our gifts at home Christmas eve…. Bill couldn’t set it up then, as we needed to head up to his parents for Christmas its self. So we got home Christmas night/evening and the Xbox and the Legos come out it was fascinating feeding a stuffed up baby and watching legos and an Xbox get assembled at once. A little bit over stimulating for me and way to many little pieces flying around.

Well we all went off to bed and after getting me settled Bill headed back down stairs and eventually called in to bed around 4:30. I thought “thank god I don’t have to work today” (Sunday). WELL as I mentioned Griffin is a bit stuffed up and got more so through out the day on Sunday. SO I got the kids headed to bed at 10:30 and I was headed to I needed to be out “on site” for work at 8:00 the next morning. Well After reading Holly to sleep Bill dozed off until about 1:30 when Griffin woke up for the second time but the worst time lost of inconsolable crying for about 20 minutes, which Bill was happy to attend to. Well after that Bill said he needed to do some stuff on the computer Griffin had a few other wake ups between that and 3:30 when the Xbox man returned to bed this time I thought “oh god I have to be at work in 4 and a half hours”. So in the cold wet Wisconsin day I am tired and extra cold due to lack of sleep. Well at least I am alone in my office so I can pump with out searching for a spot. I also get to go home early! My boss told me to. Yippeee!!!!

Reflections on Christmas gifts 2004……….

We tried to scale back a bit this year for Christmas. So I bought two largest items for Bill for Christmas and Holly one big Item and just a few things for griffin expecting that his grand parents and his aunts would fill the gap. Well one of the Items for Bill was meant to be for his birthday New Years Eve but, I decided to give it to him for Christmas. Bill has rounded out Holly’s stuff and we got a few more things for her as well. Holly then needed to get things for me and Bill and Griffin. Well in the end we only really scaled back on Bill’s dad, as we couldn’t think of what to get him. We will gift him more after his hospital stay this week. My mother is another that we sort of scaled back on as we have yet to send it to her and it is a group of hand made cards that I made for her. That was an effort and a half as it was as I was hopping to find more time than I did before my return to work. I still need to finish up the Hand made part of Bill’s Mom’s gift, as we need to get some Pictures copied for a scrapbook. Hopefully we will be able to get that all together before Mother’s Day. I love making things for people but with an infant and a full time job and Holly and all the fun stuff that is going around I really had no time this year.

Because of my father-in-law’s Hospital stay my mother-in-law was the one who really cut back. The pile of gifts that was under the tree was a quarter of what I am used to seeing. And we had two more people this year. We even said grace at Christmas dinner to everyone’s surprise. I think because she was a nurse and the diagnosis is cancer (early stages easily all removed is the prognosis). She is just freaking out.

Speaking of freaking out MY Mother is loosing it she duplicated gifts and even gave me the wrong size of shirt for my father. She is just loosing it! I love her dearly but this season has bee a trip with her. Bill talks about how blond she is. Bleached below the roots I’d say. I called from the store where I was going to Buy the shirts for My dad for his Birthday and for Christmas and she told me “ he wears a 16and half 34 or 35 which ever is the longest sleeve” If you want to know he is actually a 17and a half 35 and If you want to know all the things wrong with her statement please email me. Now as they cannot return it to a store near them they need to mail it back to me and I will have to get new ones and mail it back to them I am hoping that in the Lands end Inlet I can order from the catalogue and have it sent free. I know some places do that.

What a wacky season it is.

Musical Christmas Fun or Batman Smells

My dear friend Liana gave me a copy of Bare Naked Ladies Bare Naked for the Holidays. I finally got to listen to it the Sunday before Christmas as I am driving the Car with out a CD player. So I put it in and the first song starts as a very slow version of Jingle Bells. Holly must have found this boring as she began to sing, “Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg”. I said, “Sweetie, please just listen and enjoy the music”. So the slow part ends and it becomes up temp and in the middle it breaks into, “Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg…” I laughed and felt the fool. Awesome album by the way.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Spoiled milk

Well the grossest thing happened today. Things are going well with finding pump time and places now but over the weekend I forgot to make sure that my pump bag was cleaned out and this morning when I went to go pack it up I found things zipped up so I just made sure that I had all the appropriate stuff. Well the breast shield that were in the were the ones I used from Friday. So I pulled the stuff out and started to get all set up and I was smelling this bad smell now I was in the conference room in which someone had piled a bunch of gifts for some of the adults we serve for Holiday gifts. I figured that since I was seeing some food stuff that that was it until I looked at the now assembled stuff and realized that the breast shield were looking funky. They reeked of spoiled milk………YUCK. Well I am waiting fro Bill to arrive with Griffin and clean stuff. It all brought me to tears. I really just need a nap and I wish I wasn’t so cold.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Monday Monday

So I had started this to document my return to work and after almost 2and a half weeks I am entering a second return to work entry.

So my husband is finding the difficulty of child care at home with griffin and I am having trouble always finding time and space to pump for Griffin. Eventually I will work this out, I hope.

Wednesday is my 36th Birthday and I really want to go out for Dinner with some friends and my family and between my work schedule, Holly’s swim class and griffin’s habit of wanting to nurse the moment he sees me, we have had to cancel it. Maybe we can schedule something for Saturday daytime or something as we have something every night.

Oh well. I just need more sleep.