Ug trying to get things done just isn't working well and I seem to be getting crabby.
Quick back ground: I haven't worked full time since March of 2008. (unless you count the in home child care that I did the summer of 2008) H started swimming in the fall of 2008. Since March of 2008 my kids and husband have had a lot of me to rely on for getting things like food shopping and Laundry and forms done.
So lets see what has happened with trying to get used to new schedules this past month. May 23rd Holly's Swimming rec team started up. so we needed to plan what team what night. At the same time with her other team there was a coaching change. We just get used to that and school ends on June 10th. Our first of the every Saturday swim meets starts on the 11th followed by a trip to the American Player's Theater that night. The next week brings time changes for H's swimming practices and the kids home for the week. I interview and accept my current job on Wednesday June 15th, I start work on Friday. We have a swim meet as per the new usual on Saturday and on Sunday with our usual game group we plan on changes to accommodate my schedule. Monday starts with an 8 hour day at work for me, the kids start Day camp and Both of H's Swim teams change schedules.
My schedule is not flexible and is not set in stone. But camp it and the Swim teams are Bill has a little flexibility.
Week one had lots to be desired getting people to the right places at the right time (at least I did for work and the kids made the bus to camp). H had a teenage melt down on Friday. G had his Sunday morning and I had mine some where in the wee hours of Saturday Morning and it continued after everyone else left for the swim meet.
I have been waiting for B to have one because even the house seems to be having one. Both the Dish washer and the clothes washer broke Sunday/Monday. These are two appliances it is hard to live with out. So tonight I had to go to the laundromat. Not a huge fan, One cannot tuck a 6 year old in to bed while one is at the laundromat (he was with me and no one was home) One can't wash dishes, pick up toys, mop and if you forget your computer...Blog. Well the dryer is working at home so I have the wet to damp stuff drying. I think I'll have to check on it and get to bed soon.